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LASER Hair Removal

Dealing with unwanted hair is a normal aspect of everyday life for the average man and
woman. However, hair follicle infection or folliculitis and ingrown hairs or Hidradenitis
Supprurativa are skin infections that can co-exist with common acne or presents as acne
and require aggresive treatment such as permanent hair follicle removal. Typically, people
have to shave on a daily basis just to maintain aesthetically smooth skin, whereas a large
percentage of others use a combination of methods toeliminate unwanted hair including
plucking, waxing, threading and bleaching, and this is especially the case for women in the
warm summer months.
Some of these methods are not only messy, but they can be painful, spread infection and
most of them offer only temporary relief. For those who are tired of cuts, nicks, bumps,
burns, constant infection and inflammation of the hair follicles and the other hassles
associated with removing unwanted hair, then laser hair removal may be an attractive option that is worth thinking about which would also avoid use of antibiotics to help clear the infections.
Cynosure’s Elite MPX Aesthetic Workstation remains the state-of-the-Art in its
class despite newer systems, and by using the powerful MultiPlex technology,
the device is recognized for its superior safety, comfort, versatility, and
effectiveness in treating a variety of skin conditions such as acne scars, brown
spots, melasma and sun-damaged skin in all skin types using the Alexandrite
(755 nm) and Nd:Yag (1064 nm) wavelengths separately and in multiplex mode.
The Elite MPX not only treats a full range of spot sizes, but it’s pulse durations,
combined with delicately balanced wavelengths allow the experienced staff of
skin care professionals at Boston Acne Specialists to customize treatments for
each client. Elite MPX can also be used in microsecond mode to reduce pore
size, acne scars and dermis pigmentation. The larger, 18 mm spot size, enables
deeper and stronger penetration of energy resulting in less discomfort and more
effective results.
Multiplex™ Technology
At Boston Acne and Cosmetic Specialists, we are proud to use Cynosure’s Elite MPX™ Aesthetic Workstation which is powered by the powerful MultiPlex™ technology. This device has been recognized for being the most versatile platform for laser hair removal; the Elite MPX can remove hair on all skin types, plus it can treat pigmentation, facial redness, wrinkles, as well as spider veins in the face and legs.
Unlike its predecessors, this incredible technology does not compromise results by offering just one wavelength that is limited to treating a small range of skin types and conditions. Instead, thanks to the revolutionary MultiPlex™ technology, the Elite MPX™ sequentially combines the gold standard of wavelengths in one system, and these are the 755 nm Alexandrite laser, the 1064 nm Nd:YAG laser, and the new Intense Pulsed Light.
The Elite MPX can treat a full range of spot sizes, and its pulse durations combined with the unique blending of wavelengths, allows us to customize treatments for each of our patients to achieve the best cosmetic results. The Elite MPX Laser has the following applications:
It can provide permanent hair reduction on all skin types
Provides permanent hair reduction on tanned skin
Treats benign epidermal pigmented lesions
Treats photo-aged skin
Laser facial
Sun-damaged skin
Treatment for pigmented lesions
Stretch marks
Acne scars
The MultiPlex™ dual wavelength technology is the only device that is able to emit dual wavelengths in a sequential process, thus providing safer and more effective treatments than traditional single-wavelength systems. By using the wavelength combination of (Alex/YAG, YAG/Alex), we are able to customize treatments for patients with all different skin types.
Benefits of Laser Hair Removal
The benefits of laser hair removal are truly immeasurable; these include causing only minimal discomfort, it can replace shaving, waxing, electrolysis, and bleaching, not to mention definitively and permanently treating ingrown hairs and hair follicle infection without using antibiotics. It’s also non-invasive, leaves the skin smooth and silky and patients are able to return to their normal activities immediately afterward.
Questions & Answers about Laser Hair Removal
Due to the broad range of laser wavelengths available with the Elite MPX laser, it is the single most comprehensive permanent hair reduction device available on the market today, and it can be used on all skin types and tanned skin. If you are interested in finding out if laser hair removal is right for you, please contact a member of our staff at Boston Acne Specialists today to schedule your consultation.