Vitamins and dietary supplements may be hurting you and your skin
Vitamins help our enzymes function and reduce oxidative damage done by some metabolic processes. However, when we consume them in higher...

Why is my acne treatment not working? Preserving the skin's Biome
Effective acne care must preserve the normal skin's bacterial biome

Is Benzoyl Peroxide Safe?
Benzoyl Peroxide, an ingredient used in many acne products, generates free radicals and skin damage. It promotes skin damage in a manner...

4 Common Acne Myths
You want healthy, clear skin that is free of acne blemishes. You're certainly not alone in that! Millions of other people across the...

Release of Breaking Clear; Breaking Acne Rules by Dr. Edwin Ishoo.
In the age of global pandemic contagions, it is more important than ever before to achieve clear skin without toxic and...

"Good" strain of bacteria may be key to defeating acne
Having "bad" and "good" acne bacteria could be the reason why some folks are riddled with acne while others have smooth skin. Researchers...

Sebum Oxidation is the Initial Stage of Comedogenesis
Initial phase of acne formation starts with oxidation of sebum – study finds. Though the cure for the painstakingly problematic skin...

Best LASERs for Treatment of Acne Scars
Acne scars are permanent, meaning they must be treated in order to get rid of them. We feel that lasers are the best treatment for acne...

Common Skin Care Mistakes
Does it feel like you’re doing everything you can to help clear your skin of acne, yet you’re still breaking out? Sometimes our so-called...